#+TITLE: research & projects how this works: 1. i think of something that'd be cool to work on -> i write it here 2. im working on something -> i write it here * research ** science & || maths *** biology - ecoli simulation - generating new proteins with VAE - designing RNA with VAE - toxicology prediction in drugs *** neuroscience - epilepsis mathematical modelling *** physics - nbody problem - orbit simulation ** ML - few shot NN learning with gaussian processes & using feature replay - nn framework in C - agent-based simulations & modelling ** maths - applied mathematical modelling with ODEs & PDEs * engineering ** compsci - arthimetic coding - compiler - LLVM hacking - theoretical CS - discrete optimization - apple 6502 virus - particle filter localization - NES game - raytracer - PNG glitcher - GBA emulator - IOCCC entry (secret) - bootloader * other ** art - wood sculpting - blacksmithing ** blog - gaussian processes (draft... bored) - intro to theoretical cs - raytracer